I recently read an article about 10 mistakes beginners make when starting Keto ( http://www.bodyinbeta.com/top-10-common-keto-diet-mistakes/ ). One of which is not having a good enough reason why. There is a lot of merit to that. If someone asks you why you are doing something, because just doesn't seem to cut it. I have a serious issue with seafood. Crab, shrimp, fish, scallops...if it swims and can't survive out of the water....I don't eat it. It is a mental thing like when your parents give you venison, you eat it and then they tell you what it is. Because just doesn't cut it sometimes. So what are my reasons why I want to switch 100% to Keto and no "cheat days"? Here are my top 5: 1. I am an avid over thinker and I can't reign my brain in. I try my brain rebels and just keeps digging. My first thought is that we have made leaps and bounds in the medical field. While some of the innovation was not made in the most ethical of ways (Holocaust), we...